Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to create an online shop account?

YES, purchases from the Lions Australia Shop are limited to members of Lions Australia. Your online shop account is a way of verifying this information, tracking your order through our system and contacting you.

It is also to save your basic contact details for future purchases.


Why do I need to provide my member number and Club ID?

Each Lions Club has a unique ID code in our finance system, and purchases by members are grouped for processing and reporting by Club ID, regardless of whether the order is for personal or club use.

Your LCI Member Number identifies you as an active member of the organisation.


Where do I find my member number?

Your member number is supplied by LCI when you join as a Lions member. Your Club Secretary will be able to look this up in the LCI Lion Portal if you are unable to locate it.


I don't have a credit card, can I still place an order using the Online Shop?

If the order is for your Club, then you can still place it online and select "On Account" as the payment method. An invoice will be sent to the Club with the goods.

If the order is for yourself, then you can still place it online and select either:

  • Cheque - mail a cheque to the National Office quoting your order number
  • Bank Transfer - process a bank transfer the same day using the order number as the reference


Some of the prices have changed?

Due to changes in supplier prices and fluctuating exchange rates, sales prices on the Lions Australia Shop are updated as required.


The item I require is out of stock, can I still place the order?

If stock is not available then you can still place the order and it will flow through to our inventory management system. Once new stock has been received the goods will be dispatched.


How do I order more than one New Member kit?

When adding the item to your cart, there is a mandatory text field and an optional text field to record the new member details and induction date. For system design reasons, these 2 boxes are limited to 32 characters. Generally this is enough space to enter the details for 2 new members in a single shopping cart line.

If you are inducting 8 new members, for example, simple repeat the Add To Cart process multiple times in the same order.


Why can't I order spare New Member Kits?

New Member Certificates are stamped with the details of the International President current at the time of induction. This means that any pre-stamped certificate stock would become obsolete at each change is President.

LCI requires the Lions Australia Shop to only provided Kits for the exact number of New Members about to be inducted to ensure certificates presented display current information, and to avoid wastage of resources.


How do I apply a promotional coupon/code?

On occasion, a promotional offer will be available, and a code will be provided if applicable. A Coupon Code will need to be entered during checkout for this discount to apply.


Why have freight prices and the freight free threshold increased?

The standard flat shipping fee and freight free threshold is reviewed from time to time, to take into account changes in the Australia Post rates and service delivery options.

A flat fee is used to make the ordering process as efficient as possible and so that regional areas are not disadvantaged.

Australia Post eParcel offers the advantages of:

  • online tracking
  • security
  • electronic alerts


How do I clean the Teardrop Banner?

This item can be hand-washed in cold water. Dry in the shade.


Why are some prices more expensive than LCI?

The Lions Australia Shop purchases LCI branded merchandise using the same method as a club or member. Exchange rates, shipping and customs charges all apply in addition to the US Dollar amount advertised on the LCI shop website. 

The Lions Australia Shop is also required to include GST in the sales prices. However, as the Lions Australia Shop purchases stock in bulk from LCI, it is usually available to ship to all clubs and members within 2-4 working days of order, with all applicable rates and charges included in the price.

The Lions Australia Shop can also be easily contacted by phone (02 4940 8033) or email ( during business hours Monday to Friday for any enquiries regarding orders or products.